What can I say?Welcome to the dystopian future, as interpreted in 1998. Fast fwd 20 odd years, and WTF! Makes you think:”ok wtfdid the writers know?”. Although it was a Federali and Militrali take on Brave New World, to an extent, there were far too many specific “predictions” or “forward projections”, for it to be purely coincidental. The whole experience is like watching a browsing session, instead of a movie in the classic sense. Details such as: the tablets in the classroom, web based info dissemination,unisex change rooms, propaganda spins and pathos at times; makes me look around and think “hmmm, so what’s so futuristic about this flick?”.
So a bit more detail with my preamble above. My point was, that, for 1998, the writers had this thing nailed to a T. Well, almost. We are not quite interstellar yet and we have not yet had contact, let alone all out war with ET yet. However, the more subtle aspects are significant. At the time, a cell phone had buttons and a screen that looked like a calculator. The internet was used to send an email and that cost an arm and a leg for 32Kbs connections, let alone a live stream service. Having been in the military, even as just a reserve signaller, we still had certain bounds. Female ablutions and male ones for example. A tablet was something you swallowed for a headache and or to get stoned!
Now in 2020, we all use tablets in work and school (the ref to rico sending a tablet pic message to carmen in class). If you work for Amazon for example, you will be aware of the super high tech social areas and, yes, the unisex change rooms! We stream most of our info, news and media now as well. The propaganda spins? Well that’s always been around, just really uncanny how the contemporary version of it is so similar.