The best performance and character role that Nicholas cage has ever done. This is my opinion, but I’m sure many will agree. The fact that he has that natural unfluctuating aura about him and mildly monotone way of relaying his mental analysis anyway was probably what made him the perfect man for the role. It’s almost like he’s not even acting. This could be a real life Nicolas cage vlog roll. The background material is your generic covert, grey economy shpeel. At first I drew parallels to Barry Seal, and at the time this was the closest thing to that whole debacle. Since then, however, a dedicated Barry Seal movie, starring Tom cruise has been released. Which only makes this movie even more unique and standalone in terms of material accuracy and the depth of all characters involved. Because, if this is fiction, it’s actually closer to the real thing than many would believe.
We get a good introduction to the main characters from the start. You then get a sense, early on, that this is going to be a mental biography of the main character Uri. The thing is pretty liner wrt the flow. There is no jumping forwards and backward in time, with reation to the story line. We are basically at a point in Uris life and he is essentially trying to fill us in to thae circumstances that led up to that. Where he is in life does not become apparent until quite late in the movie. Early on, we are shown various escapades that lead up to him being in Sierra Leone. We then get the idea that him being in Africa is probably the turning point in his story to date. It is.
For a movie that deals with shifting geopolitical situations, and underhand dealings; the plot twists are almost non existent. If anything the whole story is actually quite mundane and runs like clockwork. Which is an amazing portrayal of Uri’s character and mental state. Most people would fluctuate like a yo yo and hence would have had wildly different outcomes in the story. Uri is, well, just Uri and too level headed to allow any unwanted turbulence in to his life.