cquia announced today that it’s teaming with CloudFlare to offer its customers CloudFlare Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection, as well as Content Delivery Network (CDN) services. Acquia will sell and service these products. Acquia wanted a product it could package and service, so the partner needed to be flexible in this regard. OpenStack, the […]
ideopixie, a Y Combinator alumnus that handles video creation and production (like filming and post-production editing), has raised $1.1 million in seed funding. The startup connects clients like retailers and brands with video production professionals. Clients post in Videopixie what they are looking for, and the creators bid on the project. At vero eos et accusamus et […]
potify and Starbucks just announced a clever deal to promote Spotify Premium while giving Starbuck customers and employees the opportunity to influence the music played at their local Starbucks. This is the latest in a line of high-profile deals Spotify bagged that puts its brand in front of an important consumer demographic. Sixteen years ago, I […]
he Light Phone is the opposite of every other phone in existence. It is thin, light, lasts 20 days on a charge, and literally does nothing but make and answer calls. It’s as if the makers of the Sports Illustrated Football Phone had studied the timeless teachings of William Walker Atkinson and created a telephone […]
armers spend billions of dollars per year on seeds and fertilizers, but currently, they’re lacking reliable information when it comes to deciding which seeds to buy, how many to plant, and which fertilizers or nutrients will produce the best outcome in different regions. Since launching in November of last year, FBN has aggregated data from 7 million acres of farm land […]
asis, the Intel subsidiary that builds watches for tracking your health and sleep habits, is today dropping a lighter, classier version of its Peak tracker made from titanium. It’s also launching a new series of leather bands for people who already have the aluminum Peak models, and it’s updating its app and firmware. To take a […]
uleSoft, the company that helps connect different types of software and services, scored an enormous $128 million investment today. The Series G round was led by Salesforce Ventures with ServiceNow and Cisco Investments also participating. In addition, it saw some public market institution investment including Adage Capital Management, Brookside Capital and Sands Capital Ventures. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi […]
he Apple Watch’s charging puck is, in itself, pretty versatile and fool-proof when it comes to connecting your smartwatch to power over night. But there’s always room for improvement, and the Nomad Stand offers that, with a minimal approach that’s optimal for bedside or desktop use. Nomad’s approach to a charging accessory for Apple Watch […]
ffice’s cross-platform march continues. Today, Microsoft announced the preview of Office for Android phones. The release comes after the release of Office for Android tablets, and iOS devices, not to mention new versions for Windows and OS X. Microsoft has provided a simple Office Android experience inside of a single app. That app will persist. […]
ne important note about this podcast. Matt can not seem to get his microphones to work. Ever. So if you’re wondering why we all sound like professional radio hosts two of us are, actually and Matt sounds like hot garbage, it’s because he is incompetent with microphones.